
SpamVerify is dedicated to making the web safer by providing a powerful, centralized database for reporting and identifying malicious IP addresses.

Check an IP Address, Subnet or ASN

Report abusive IPs

Report malicious IPs involved in hacking attempts or cyber threats to protect the online community!

Report an IP

Check report history

Check any IP’s report history to see if it has been flagged for suspicious or harmful activities.

Check Report History

Use our free API

Leverage our free API to report abusive IPs and instantly verify if an IP has a history of abuse!

Register for an API Key

What is SpamVerify?

SpamVerify is dedicated to making the web safer by providing a powerful, centralized database for reporting and identifying malicious IP addresses.

Our platform helps webmasters, system administrators, and cybersecurity professionals detect and prevent online threats, including spam, hacking attempts, and fraudulent activity.

With real-time threat intelligence and a vast community-driven database, SpamVerify ensures that businesses and individuals can safeguard their digital assets.